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By Resi
- 10 Apr, 2011
Comments on this photo
Oh I think this looks so attractive and the scent must be pleasant too. I have rosemary in a small herb pot so hope it flourishes as well as yours has done...perhaps I'll move it into the borders so it has room to spread.
13 Apr, 2011
This is one herb that I really wish I could's too tender for my garden...but I see in the foreground a sprig or two of what I think is sage??? That, I can grow! I bought the purple variety and it is lovely too, when it blooms. I planted it for culinary use and was pleasantly surprised by the flowers! Do you grow Artemisia?
23 Apr, 2011
i am overrun by rosemary, our daughter got married here last year and i grew 30 rosemary plants to use for wedding decorations, together with 30 lavenders, so wherever i can fit them in they go..
yes i have properly discovered how very versatile rosemary is not that long ago, although i had been using it for years.
no its not sage but you r right it looks lke it Lori, it is Stachys, lambs ear, wich i use everywhere for groundcover, a lifesaver and so pretty and tactile.
i havent got any artemesia , afraid it didnt survive last summer, but i might give it another chance, also managed to kill of my purple sage last year, so many of my plants didnt survive living under heaps of sand and stones whilst we were building, but i was surprised to see how many survived it though.
23 Apr, 2011
hmmm... stachys as a ground cover and dry conditions...maybe that's why it was pokey...had it in my last garden and it didn't do much...too much water and not enough sun! will make note of that one, Resi. Thanks. Love the artemisia's pretty tough once it's established, spreads too, has a nice smell and adds a gray note...silvery in the moonlight! and a great foil for peonies. Do you have peonies in your garden? Construction does make a mess of things for a while. It's sooo great when it's overwith!!
24 Apr, 2011
yes i have peonies, one smallish plant, but have just moved them as they were obviously not very happy where they were, didnt like the rabbits tunnelling thr their roots! but they are still trying to flower, any day now..
yes it was a art.ludoviciana i managed to kill off last year, it never did anything at all in the 3 years i had it, didnt even put on any growth, just quietly faded away.
i really didnt think i could kill of one of those but managed, the cliff was too dry for it. well it's my excuse.
25 Apr, 2011
YOu have rabbits!! I wish I had them instead of moles...incidentally. I was complaining that the moles and the foxes were making a mess of my lawn on the north side near the forest...! ... welllll....
met my neighbour last Friday and he apologized for his pigs getting into my lawn last fall!!...hehheeee..
I really should have known
26 Apr, 2011
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This photo is of "Rosemary" in Resi's garden
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I absolutely love Rosemary - I assume this was a last year's photo ? I have set one in this year so am hoping I get some lovely blooms later on in the year. It has such a vivid scent that it is always worth buying and of course you can cook with it too.
10 Apr, 2011