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Close-up of mossy saxifrage
By Wagger

15 Apr, 2010
Comments on this photo
Another pretty close up Wagger.....
16 Apr, 2010
It's a Morrisons special, Meanie. Thank you, Flori.
16 Apr, 2010
I have to go to Chippenham for my local Morrisons, but think it's well worth a look judging by what is being sold there lol!
16 Apr, 2010
It's always worth a look, Flori - I do like a bargain! We're very short of independant nurseries around here - swamped by Wyvales and Nottcutts - drives me nuts! So finding a few 'different' things in supermarkets and stores like Wilkos helps to save my sanity between longer plant forays.
16 Apr, 2010
It's a good idea, I have to watch the pennies these days.........:~((
16 Apr, 2010
Don't we all? Still, we have to get our priorities right - garden, garden, garden - er, house? - garden. :-)))
17 Apr, 2010
Oh how right you are Wagger lol! had a lady phone me today wanting to give me a free holiday~why does carrot and donkey come to mind? I turned it down saying any spare cash goes on my garden~ she thought I was nuts lol!!
21 Apr, 2010
Ooo how lucky were you ! ! ! Where was this **** timeshare they were trying to con you into?
21 Apr, 2010
Oh she insisted there was no catch,(yeah right) and we could have a luxury villa etc etc etc........we didn't quite get as far as the destination, as cut her off mid-flow as it were, she still thought I was nuts turning down such a wonderful offer! My mum always taught me that if it sounded just too good to be true, it usually was lol, there's not too many free lunches in this life, let alone free holidays!! :~))
22 Apr, 2010
If I get any of those I hang up in the middle of my own sentence - that way they think the call just disconnected - they can't imagine it was me hanging up. Then the phone gets switched off!
22 Apr, 2010
I love the phone, but really hate cold callers, and I know they just have a job to do, but it is so invasive, and generally it's nothing you want anyway! I belong to a book club, and they keep ringing up offering to send me a free book~as I keep replying, it isn't free, as I still get charged the postage for something I didn't want in the first place, so how can it be free????It stumps them every time lol!! :~))
22 Apr, 2010
I'm not a great phone fan - never switch the mobile on unless I actually want to use it. It drives me mad people walking along with a phone clamped to their head, especially women - such easy targets for bag snatchers etc as they have very little concept of what is going on around them.
22 Apr, 2010
You are so right Wagger, and the reason they are called 'mobile' is cos people never stand still talking on them,but always walking up and down lol!!! :~))
24 Apr, 2010
....or driving - you still see it everywhere, illegal or not ! ! ! Do you think we should be on 'Grumpy Old Women', lol
24 Apr, 2010
Oh yes!!! I am a great believer in live and let live, Sixpence, but it always saddens me that respect and consideration seem to be lacking so often, apart from on GoY that is~ this site has helped restore my faith in people again lol!!!
26 Apr, 2010
Me not Sixpence, me Wagger. I think you may be answering another comment, lol. I certainly have faith in you, Flori.
26 Apr, 2010
OOPS~It's just my meds wearing off Wagger tee hee hee!~Sorry, Am still trying to catch up with everyone,so getting just a mite confused..................!
Bless you for having faith in me,even if I did confuse you my friend,at my age, so easily done Lol :~))
27 Apr, 2010
28 Apr, 2010
Am still grovelling by the way~tee hee hee! :~))x
29 Apr, 2010
No grovelling allowed - or needed - I'm confused too! :-//
29 Apr, 2010
If you confused too SixWagger,then I know I'm in good company!!!!! :~))
30 Apr, 2010
You're tooooooooooo kind, lol.
30 Apr, 2010
One does one's best you know!!!! tee hee hee :~))
30 Apr, 2010
Photo 16 of 21
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This photo is of "Saxifraga x arendsii" in Wagger's garden
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That has a certain appeal. Is it self grown & this years?
15 Apr, 2010