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Wisteria floribunda 'Alba'
By Andrewr
- 26 May, 2008
Comments on this photo
How lovely...
26 May, 2008
Super :)
26 May, 2008
this is gorgeous Andrew. How long have you had it?
17 Feb, 2010
GG - both my wisterias were planted twenty years ago
17 Feb, 2010
Now that's what I call staying power!! I've only had mine for a couple of years and it started as a stick. It hasn't flowered yet and I'm told it could be up to 10 years before I see a bloom. What's your take on that?
19 Feb, 2010
I think it depends on your plant and the weather!
They do take a few years from seed to start flowering (typically seven I believe) but named varieties will probably be grafted plants. These should start flowering earlier but it depends on how old your plant was when you bought it. Mine were a good size to start with so were probably at least five years old and in their second summer got a really good baking which triggered flowering the following year.
Interestingly, my blue-flowered one starts into growth about 7 to 10 days earlier than the white-flowered one (they are planted on each side of an arch so get the same amount of sunlight, etc). Their first spring, we had a late frost which clobbered the blue one and the white one has always been the bigger plant because of that early setback.
19 Feb, 2010
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This photo is of "Wisteria floribunda" in Andrewr's garden
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I hadn't seen the white one before - how pretty!
26 May, 2008