4 months on
By pottydottie
It is now the 1st of Aug 4 months into starting to grow my own veg.
Yes still having great fun and learning lots.
There are a few changes that I’m doing next year like growing more courgette bush ones instead of 1 there will be 3 to 4 of them next year never like them until now by growing your own I have learnt that food is so much more tasty and fun, also growing more cauliflower as I only grow 2 plants this year, I’m going to build a raised bed in the front garden as I have a dead space near the path it is just a concrete run about a foot and a bit more wide but 10 feet long were pots are normally put , but in the winter going to build up a raised bed on this with a lining and put in bagged top soil and compost for a row of cauliflower, not sure what to put init as well yet the depth is only going to be about 1 foot thinking of radish what do you guys think?
Also have a list of projects to do in the winter, going to put the netting next year on wood instead of canes and going to make myself a cage style out of it with a door. This year the netting has just been thrown over canes and pinned down with tent pegs, getting in and out is like a military operation, it has taken me ages on my knees picking out the cabbage and not pulling the other ones out with the one I’m picking. Also get the netting wrapped around my arms and caught on my shirt buttons, after sitting in the rain trying for 5 min trying to detach myself getting very wet and also having Max trying to bull doze himself through it as he wanted a better look at the green ball on the green stick decided I have to do something about it but with the netting I’ve been slug, snail, and bug free apart of the green house this has been one of my best investment for the garden.
As for my cucumber plants my neighbour thinks that I’m grown triffeds as they are growing like mad the one that has taken off is my crystal Lemon I thought it would have been my market more one but no.
My Melon is flowering well and I have little Melons on them so well pleased.
My peppers are also flowering and I have some peppers they are green at the moment but should change colour later.
Loads of Toms just waiting for them to change colour from green as I mixed them up when I plant them from the greenhouse to outdoor pots so I should have reds, yellow and chocolate cherry to eat.
My runner beans have also gone mad going to plant more of them next year.
I have planted out more carrot and beetroot also peppers.
I’ve been hit by this growing your own veg so bad that I went to the war cabinet museum in London and came away with a packet of beetroot red bell seeds and lighthouse toms seeds LOL. If anyone has any other types of unusual seeds that they think that I might be interested in please tell me what they are as I’m willing to grow anything.
I’ve now got myself a micro water system that I have to fit up as I’m going away in Sept for 12 days in the new forest and don’t want to come home to dead veg, that’s going to be lots of fun. What do you do for watering when you are away?
1 Aug, 2010
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Previous post: now its the end of june in my first year of growing veg
Looks like you've declared war on the green grocers PD, you've got off to a flying start, successfully too. I smiled at the thought of you snagged up in all that mesh. Good idea to erect a proper one, Gardening is one of those things that's best done right as otherwise it can be a total waste of time and money. As for the raised bed in your front, radishes will grow anywhere and you need succession. What about dwarf beans or Strawberries? You'd have to keep an eye on the postman though:-)
1 Aug, 2010
Thank you for the comments I belevie it not had to have another bath fitted insteat of going down the dump have put it in the front gardern I'm going to grow strawberries in it next year :-)
2 Aug, 2010
Recent posts by pottydottie
- now its the end of june in my first year of growing veg
30 Jun, 2010
- my first 3 months of growing my own
26 Jun, 2010
- first go at growing things in March
23 Jun, 2010
- My road to learning how to be a good gardener
23 Jun, 2010
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9 Aug, 2009
Somebody's been very busy. I'm glad you have enjoyed it and looking forward to the winter and next year. Lucky you getting a watering system - its on my Christmas list - well the only thing on the list. - When I'm away I have to rely on family - but it is a worry.
1 Aug, 2010