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my first 3 months of growing my own


Well its 3 months on from were I first started and yes I’m still loving growing my own.
There have been ups and downs but more ups than downs. Not all the seeds that I started through produced any planets but it’s a learning curve that I’m enjoying I have done things wrong but ha ho without doing this you will not learn anything.

The cabbage never got any hearts but I still eat them as spring leafs the only thing I have to work out is can I eat the cauliflower as spring leafs? Still can not see the white in its eye just lots of leafs.

The radish and salad is growing great having that everyday with my dinner I still can not believe the difference of this over the supermarket rubbish, my Father who thinks that anything green on his plate should be feed to a rabbits is now eating the salad that I’m growing including the little gems and butter heads. I now have to see if there is a salad that I can grow in a cold greenhouse over winter.

I have a few cucumber planets now up and growing but I only have a 50% survival rate of these but maybe next year will be better.

I have had trouble with blackfly one second it was not there the next second my apple tree was black!!

I now so look forward coming home as the second I walk through the door I’m out in my garden watering picking and just sitting there with a huge grin on my face.

I also not only grow veg but nice pretty planets as well which are doing well.

The low points, so far have been the dogs getting into the green house and eating the salad that I’ve been growing but at lest they are eating healthy, Max my Scotty jumping the fence of my stew berry patch, must make note he may have litter legs but he can jump a 1 foot fence must make bigger next year. He sat in the teaberries and eat the few I had there but have had a few so must have more of them next year tennis and stew berry go together so well. Grow some leaks but they have stayed the size of pencils so will get rid and have another go next year.

High points watching things grow, eating my own vet and saying to my mum don’t buy that have some of mine that is growing, eating my first radish I hate them so much but now growing my own, I’m hooked I never know that they were so juicy and tasty. Waiting to planet out more seeds off to B&Q tomorrow to get a few more pots for more carrots to seed down.
And now my garden is something for me to be proud off

Salad in the green house


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Previous post: first go at growing things in March

Next post: now its the end of june in my first year of growing veg



You are doing fantastically well for a first time gardener. You capture the excitement of growing your own so well. I still get excited when seeds pop through the soil. I lol at the antics of Max. I once went to the local fruit farm before they all went to pick your own. The lady said if I waited she would pick the five pounds of gooseberries I wanted. I heard this sooking noise every now and then. The owner explained their collie dog loved gooseberries and helped himself to his five a day every day. Fanny Craddock, one of the first celebrity chefs on TV would have bitten your hand off for your leeks. Do not throw them out yet, they will continue to grow and you can use even the smallest ones.

26 Jun, 2010


Well done pottydottie! Everything looks lovely and green and just waiting to be picked and eaten. Bet it all tastes delicious....:o)

26 Jun, 2010


Thank you for your Comments scotsgran and dylandog.
scotsgran you made me laugh so much about your story. Yes will keep the leeks going .
yes you are so right it is so exciting watching the seeds come up, i have to hold myshelf back when i do the weekly shop at Tessco's as there are so many seed packets and not enough time. but one packet always jumps into my shopping trolly i don't have an idea how it gets in there ;-)

26 Jun, 2010


Well done Dp all looks great.. i am quite envious, you are doing so well,
looks like you maybe, doing a Boot-Sale and selling some of your veg..
surely, you will not be able to eat all your produce..LOL good to see you
have, at long last, joined GOY..nice Blog...

26 Jun, 2010


Fantastic! You sound well and truly addicted now, lol!! And, everything you've grown looks wonderful !!

27 Jun, 2010


Thank you Freesiaperson and David.
Yes truly addicted ands what a great addiction to have.:-)
loving every bit of it I have now started to put veg in pots in the front garden LOL

28 Jun, 2010

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