Questions answered on plants
Questions answered on plants
Select a topic name to find previous questions that have been answered.
- snowdrops
- tulips
- english daffodils
- poisonous garden plants
- bog garden plants
- climbing plants
- exotic garden plants
- japanese garden plants
- climbing roses
- pink roses
- chilli pepper
- sweet peppers
- hosta plants
- orchid plants
- water lilies
- calla lilies
- peace lily
- white orchids
- arum lily
- japanese maple
- salvias
- tree ferns
- clematis plants
- carnivorous plants
- wild flowers
- foxgloves
- fuchsias
- wisteria
- roses
- sweet peas
- shade plants
- tomato blight
- agapanthus
- allium
- hyancinths
- irises
- bearded iris
- oregon grape
- mushrooms & fungi
- trees
- lilies
- crocuses
- cordylines
- phormium
- pansies and violas
- blueberries
- sweetcorn
- sunflowers
- red roses
- yellow roses
- white roses
- dahlias
- hellebores
- poppies
- rhododendrons
- camellias
- azaleas
- magnolias
- heathers
- hebes
- cacti
- succulents
- peonies
- aquilegias
- ferns
- grasses
- acer trees
- fruit trees
- carnations & pinks
- beans
- brassicas
- gooseberries
- plums
- daylilies
- grapes
- heucheras
- gladioli
- nasturtiums
- courgettes
- ivies
- herbs
- begonias
- penstemons
- gaura
- sedums
- conifers
- bamboos
- house plants
- peas
- cherries
- beets
- vegetables for salads
- vegetables for stir fries
- cyclamen plants
- autumn flowering plants
- flower bulbs
- flower seeds & seedlings
- peaches
- kiwis
- figs
- aubergines
- coleus
- campanulas
- melons
- currants
- topiary
- bluebells
- bonsai
- dicentra
- fritillaries
- lavender
- lupins
- houseleeks
- citrus fruits
- aubrieta
- mosses and lichens
- primulas
- squashes
- trilliums
- wallflowers
- poinsettias
- laburnums
- bergenias
- flowering currant
- forget-me-nots
- forsythia
- olives
- pasque flower
- alstroemeria
- amaryllis
- chrysanthemums
- busy lizzies
- streptocarpus
- balsam
- pelargoniums
- geraniums
- hibiscuses
- alpines
- ground cover plants
- invasive plants
- bird of paradise
- bougainvillea
- crocosmia
- red hot pokers
- oxalis
- lewisia
- false bananas
- musa
- blackberries
- hydrangeas
- scented flowers
- elder
- grevillea
- lobelias
- viburnum
- delphiniums
- euonymus
- evergreens
- evergreen climbers
- bottlebrushes
- cannas
- croton
- marigolds
- daffodils
- palm trees
- asters
- ophiopogon
- onions & shallots
- saxifrages
- leeks
- garlic
- gunneras
- phlox
- rudbeckias
- himalayan poppies
- euphorbias
- heucherellas
- yuccas
- deciduous shrubs
- flowering shrubs
- evergreen shrubs
- shrubs
- herbaceous perennials
- annuals
- biennials
- passion flowers
- tiarellas
- verbascums
- nuts
- abutilon
- bugle
- lobster claw flower
- desert plants
- cotoneasters
- cistus