Any suggestions for white perennials for large container?
By Mickledaisy
United Kingdom
Have now got my galvanised bath (not too long, only 4ft). Have planted it up, but NOW know what I really want is a white display as it is against a stone wall and think white will really look good, so... temporary plants OUT in autumn. Now I have plans for white winter pansies, white daffs (or near as) lovely tall white tulips next spring and then white summer bedding plants. BUT does anyone have ideas for alternative white perennials of various heights and flowering seasons that would work as well if not better. Names of any trailing plants (white of course!) would be appreciated.
19 Jun, 2009
a nice large white agapanthus and leucanthumum would look great.
19 Jun, 2009
White trailing bedding plants - Bacopa, Surfinia (Million bells), Petunia, Diascia.
How about Lychnis coronaria 'Alba' and Geranium sanguineum 'Alba' or G. pratense 'Laura' for perennials to add to the list?
19 Jun, 2009
Thank you all for your suggestions, very helpful. Nice to get other opinions, tend to get stuck in a rut sometimes. Thanks again.
20 Jun, 2009
I keep thinking of more! Delphinium 'Galahad' is a beauty, if you want something tall for the back - then there are white Dianthus like Mrs Sinkins...fragrant, too! :-)
20 Jun, 2009
Physostegia virginiana makes a nice upright plant. Seaburngirl's hebe with some white flowered heathers would give winter interest before the spring bulbs. You could add some snowdrops next spring (in the green).
20 Jun, 2009
There's a beautiful white version of Asarina Erubes called 'Bridal Bouquet'. It's a climber and perennial if kept protected in the winter. It has pure white trumpet flowers. You could train it up a cane or trellis behind your container.
20 Jun, 2009
I am a fan of Gilenia trifoliata. Airy and pretty.
20 Jun, 2009
Once again thanks to everyone who replied. Have been checking out all the suggestions, pity this bath is not bigger, could have tried for the lot! One day next year when I have a glorious display (hopefully) will actually take a photo and upload it.
20 Jun, 2009
lots of pure white lilies available.
comos, nicotiana, penstemon snowflake, white flowered pelargonium, bedding lobelia in white,
dahlia, galtonia [summer hyacynth] white flowered hebe.
there are lots really.
19 Jun, 2009