By Fgt
South Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Please can anyone help me? This year I had a lot of moss like weed growing in my veg plot which I put down to the bad weather. Is there any thing I can put down to kill it off. At the moment the plot is fallow and I will not be growing anything again until early spring.
Thank you
12 Sep, 2012
thanks sorry I can't get a picture
12 Sep, 2012
Well you could try spraying with a 'glyphosate' based weedkill (Roundup or similar) if you can get a dry day to put it on.
It needs a few hours dry spell to get into the pores of the weeds.
If it rains later it does not matter quite so much!
If it was my plot I think I would dig it over removing larger weeds where you can. and leave it rough for the frosty weather to get into the soil throughout the winter months.
Then the following spring it will only require a raking over before planting.
Then throughout the growing season keep on top of it with regular hoeing and this should kill it off!
This slide show might help!
12 Sep, 2012
If what was growing was actually moss or algae, all you need do is turn the soil over - both these will grow where the soil is reasonably settled and undisturbed, particularly on heavy soil, which is wet or damp frequently. Which it would have been this year, for sure, up till now...
12 Sep, 2012
Previous question
« Hi, I came across a tree with this rather unusual 'fruit.' I'm curious...
Ant chance of a picture?
The reason being; if it is an annual weed, then the frosts will kill it off, if it isn't it could be a drainage problem!
Then again it might just want digging in.
In other words it can be many things and usually each has a particular method of getting rid of it!
12 Sep, 2012