Rododendron in shade?
By Trouble
United States
I bought a English Roseum Rhododendron one sales person said it will be fine in shade then the other told me no way it will never bloom what is the answer?
On plant
6 May, 2008
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spring colour plants
6 May, 2008
Thank you Bonkersbon !
Thank you for that great detail. I am happy to say I made the best choices. I might move the rhododendrons but that helped me so much.
6 May, 2008
I might offer another suggestion if you are planning to move it anyways. I live in zone 5 (and that's pushing it for Rhodos) and we have heavy snow and cold winters with lots of north winds. Rhodos don't like wind at any time of year and I finally moved mine under the large house overhang which provides both semi-shade and protection from the winds. After struggling for many winters with various types of winter protection coverings/surrounds and finding too many brown, shriveled leaves in the spring, I was frustrated last year by the sudden onset of winter and not enough opportunity to protect everything that I just left it uncovered which turned out perfect as it fared better than any other year. It needs a good shot of "Pinks" (8-12-6) fertilizer in the spring before flowering, and again in August in order to produce buds for the following spring. I have been fooled by buds which I believed were flowers-to-be but were simply new leaf growth next spring because I didn't fertilize twice. Hope this helps. LP
8 May, 2008
Thanks again, It is by a three story condo on the north side. Which means no sun because of the building but sometimes in the morning the sun raise will hit it on and off. I have decided to leave it and see what happens.
8 May, 2008
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Further to your question about azaleas which Sid answered the same applies.You watch the Masters Golf from Augusta Georgia? There you will see the ideal situation for rhododendrons and azaleas spectacular display under the canopy of other trees.If you have heavy shade with no sunlight these plants will struggle to flower.Part shade should suit them as long as sun not first thing if sun later in day then fine.
6 May, 2008