Where should I plant a deciduous Rhododendron?
By Sid
United Kingdom
I have treated myself to a new Rhododendron. I've got 2 already, which are under the slight shade of an apple tree. But this one is deciduous, which I've not grown before. Are they the same to care for as the evergreen sorts? I either have a place for it under dappled shade or it can go in full sun - which one will it prefer? Any info appreciated! Thanks.
On plant

15 Mar, 2008
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spring colour plants
hi Sid i have two of these, they are beautiful - a good buy, and yes i would agree with Bluespruce dappled shade is best, also bare in mind they are not as hardy as the evergreen Rhododendrons at first but i think they are ok once they get going. but having said that out of the two i have, i planted one in the front garden just last year. it is overlooked and sheltered from the house and also in the corner where two low fences meet so it is fairly sheltered and it has done fine with no other protection. the other one is waiting to go in the otherside of the front garden - in the opposit corner, but i am still waiting for Jay to dig the concrete out so i can dig over the bed for it to go in, so i have kept it in the greenhouse(unheated) through the winter, and both are doing great. so i would chose the location carfully, i did loose two at the last place i lived because they were too exposed to strong winds and frost. but the one i have going strong now proves they can take a little bit!
15 Mar, 2008
I have been growing 'Glowing Embers' here in East Berkshire for nine years without any problems. It was planted in soil thoroughly prepared with compost and peat and gets a dressing of garden compost every spring. Other than that, it doesn't get any attention (although it did get a good soaking a couple of times in the hot, dry summer of 2006). Being deciduous, it is bred from parents that come from areas with cold winters so it should be able to cope with the UK
15 Mar, 2008
I'd go with what Andrew has said Sid - he is far more expereinced than me lol - not to mention the ones that i lost were a different variety anyway, - they were pinky peachy colours. the one i have outside now (cant remeber the name off the top of my head) is yellow and has been fine outside. and i think soil type does come into it as well. i have never done a test in my life, but i have found that acid loving plants do far better in my new garden than in my old one, so my soil must be a bit on the acid side, which obviously helps!
16 Mar, 2008
Thanks for all the comments. In fact, my garden soil is pH neutral. The two evergreen Rhodos are in large containers filled with ericacious compost sunk into the ground. I do water them when very dry as they can't put their roots down, of course. I will have to grow this one like that. It's going in my new bit where the veggie patch used to be and there will be a small pond there too. I like to think of the orangy flowers reflected in the pond. Should look nice I think.
Andrew - would you suggest shade or sun? My new bed is partially overhung by an apple tree, so there is scope to get this right if there is a preference!
16 Mar, 2008
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Dappled shade would be ideal, as long as it's not too dry ?
15 Mar, 2008