which climbing plants grow thick and quick and have leaves all year
By Nongardener
United Kingdom
i have some building site wire fencing 6' high 12'long i want to use them for privacy by growing climbing plants up them. what plants can i use that will give all year round cover
25 Jun, 2009
There is a prolific clematis (variety Apple Blossom I believe) which is evergreen and will cover the fencing very quickly.
25 Jun, 2009
Clematis armandii is evergreen and grows superfast once it gets going. Very attractive evergreen foliage and cascades of sweetly scented white blossom in very early spring.
25 Jun, 2009
Clematis armandii would need a warm position, especially in the north
25 Jun, 2009
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« itouched the end of my lilly and there droplets of clear stuff
Ivy's the only one that springs to mind, but would it not be better to plant an evergreen hedge using something like Photinia fraserii or Pyracantha (though this is prickly and not quite so fast growing). Bear in mind that anything which grows faster than the plants I've mentioned (like Leylandii) will rapidly get far too big and you'll need a machete to fight your way out.
25 Jun, 2009