cultivating a new garden
By Kolade
i reside in west africa,Nigeria precisely and need to get flowers to plant in my dads new house.I need suggestions on the best type of flowers to beautify the surroundings of the house.i really want to impress my dad with my choice of flowers.anyone who can help me should consider my location and the ease with which i can get the flowers.botanical names may also be included.
25 Jun, 2009
Hi Kolade,
I'm a Brit living in Spain: here in Spain we have some very hot months but assume where you are it is very, very hot and dry? The plants which thrive over here seem to be bougainvillia, plumbago (beautiful blue flowers) crocosmia corms which can build and spread quite a lot, Lantana, Datura (Brugmansia) (I'm growing these from seed), oleander, good old pelargoniums and not forgetting all the beautifully flowering cacti and succulents. Enjoy your planting.
26 Jun, 2009
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« i have some building site wire fencing 6' high 12'long i want to use them...
What are his neighbours planting? Try to follow their example - it will be cheaper and impressive. And also add one or two realy good specimen plants.
Does he have trees in his garden? Can you grow a Bougainvillea through one example?
25 Jun, 2009