My cordyline is dying
By Jojoe
United Kingdom
I'm not a very good gardiner but I do try! I've had a cordyline very happily growing in my garden for over 10 years. It's about 4 or 5ft high now and has always been very healthy looking and green. This year was the first time it has flowered (came as a shock as I didn't realise it did this - like I said I'm not a gardiner!). Since flowering all the leaves have turned either brown or yellow and it is looking terrible. I know the lower leaves do go brown and I've usually cut them off but it has literally been since the flower appeared. There is a very small bit in the middle with new green leaf growth so I'm wondering should I trim off ALL the brown and yellow leaves and see what happens. It really is looking a sorry sight and I'm so fed up as I've really enjoyed seeing this plant grow over the years. It started in a pot and I've moved it around when I've moved houses and now it's been in the ground for 4 years where I thought it was happy. Do you need to over water them or is the general rain fall enough? Maybe that's the problem?
On plant
29 Jun, 2009
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Steve - thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I feel much better about "spikey" now (that's his name by the way!). I will follow what you said and thanks very much again.
30 Jun, 2009
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Hi Jojoe, panic not!
Cordyline australis does flower after several years of stem growth. Cut the flowers off and over the next few months you will find that the little bit of green in the centre will have grown back (probably as two or even three new growing points). The new growth with then continue for a few more years before flowering again (and branching again).
And yes, there is usually enough water moving through the soil for the plant. Do not think you are helping it in the ground by giving it loads of extra water and remember that a reduction of functional leaves (as here) means that it can't take up as much water at the moment and you don't want to rot those roots!
After the removal of the flower stalks, just dress around the base with a slow release fertilizer such as Vitax Q4 and leave alone.
29 Jun, 2009