Watermelon techniques
By Wohlibuli
gwinnett county, georgia,
United States
Does anyone have experience with watermelons. I have 5 plants that are doing real well.They have 3 small melons now with lots more blossoms. Should I pinch out the growth tips? Will this help to make the melons increase in size? I would really like to get a few good size fruits from these plants. All advice welcome and seriously taken : )
1 Jul, 2009
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Thank you Bertiefox,
Great info, just what I needed. Watermelons grow easily here and are a big crop in the southern part of the state. I'm in Georgia, USA, just north of Florida.
I'm trying to grow "Orange Delight", because I LOVE orange watermelons. I don't even care if they are really big as long as they grow and taste good.
Last year I tried "Sugar Baby" but didn't have good luck, the plants never got very big, this time I am hoping for the best because the plants are getting very big.
1 Jul, 2009
Wohlibuli....I seem to be having the same problem you had with the Sugar Baby. They don't seem to be growing at all. Did you ever find out why your Sugar Baby didn't grow? Am I missing something in the soil that it needs???
1 Jul, 2009
The only info I could find was that variety is very suseptible to fungus, which I think was my problem.
I started this Orange delight variety from seed in March and they are growing well! So fingers crossed!
1 Jul, 2009
Hmmmm....I can't see any fungus unless there is something attacking the roots. However, I'll keep my eye on them. Maybe they will suddenly shoot up but I think that it is probably too late to ripen any fruit that is set now. Fingers crossed. Good luck with the Orange delight.
2 Jul, 2009
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Unlike melons, water melons should be left to their own devices and to make a plant as big as possible so don't pinch out any shoots. To get larger watermelons then reduce to no more than two fruit on each vine. They are a different family (Citrullus lanatus) entirely to melons so need different treatment. But they are extremely difficult and really a tropical plant, so you will only grow them successfully in a greenhouse (though if the current heatwave lasts you might succeed this year!)
We've never grown any really large ones but have succeeded with a lot of small but delicious ones. I'm growing Sugar Belle and Mountain Sweet Yellow this year but we do this in a polytunnel, even though we are in central France.
Good luck with growing them successfully!
1 Jul, 2009