I had a lovely barrel of cala lillies, just about to bloom, someone destroyed them last night and I am wondering if there is anything I can plant in the barrel that will flower in next few weeks, thanks
By Scarlett6
United Kingdom
Is there anything I can plant that will flower in next few weeks, preferably something tall and bushy, thanks
4 Jul, 2009
You should still be able to get hold of ordinary pelargoniums too (geraniums) plus various other bedding now sold in separate pots (more expensive, but still available, just about)
4 Jul, 2009
Dear Scarlett6, what is so wrong with some people that they cannot see the beauty of nature?... something as attractive as a simple flower, that gives pleasure to so many.... I feel so, so sorry for them. Don't let them get the better of you, keep on trying. You have my very best wishes.
4 Jul, 2009
The Garden Centres still have bedding plants, all in bloom now. You could get a couple of purple Millet plants as a centre focal point and choose a colour themed set of plants for your barrel.
I am also very sorry to hear about the vandalism. I hope the new planting gives you pleasure, and that the mindless creeps stay well away!
4 Jul, 2009
Well, that sucks.
Fuchsias would do well. You can get them now already big enough and will be blooming from now for a couple of months yet.
4 Jul, 2009
sorry that you have had lovely plants destroyed. as well as the above try phygelius. hostas make a good show too.
4 Jul, 2009
~you may be able to get some lilies in pots that you can plant up as an almost immediate replacement~haven't been for a while but Wyevale had a fantastic huge Calla last year but a tad expensive.
Sorry to hear about the vandalism.~makes me so angry!
7 Jul, 2009
Previous question
What is the matter with people that they get off on destroying someone else's treasured things? I am SO sorry about that :-((
You could try and get hold of some Bedding Dahlias or Ivy-leaved Pelargoniums. They will give you some late colour. And, believe it or not, I have sown Dahlia seeds at the end of June and had flowers by early August. It's something to do with the day-length.
There should also be Chrysanth- emums on sale in the garden centres, very good for late colour.
Hope this helps, and don't get too disheartened over ignorant louts.
4 Jul, 2009