why does'nt my honeysuckle have any flowers
By Enerijay
United Kingdom
this plant grows in a large container in open sun. It is quite healthy but does not produce any flowers.
4 Jul, 2009
Let me clarify what I said! Is the container a minimum of 18 inches to 2 feet wide by 2 feet deep? And are you feeding the plant with liquid feed monthly during the growing season (March to end July)? And if you're pruning, when are you doing it?
4 Jul, 2009
And if it is in a container are you watering regularly?
4 Jul, 2009
And if in full sun does that include the roots? It hates having its roots hot. It's a hedgerow plant so in its natural setting the roots are always in the shade of whatever shrubs form the hedge.
5 Jul, 2009
Thank you to all who replied to 'why does my honeysuckle not flower' I have recently acquired this plant, answers are noted and I will take action. help! how to prune and when? enerijay
7 Jul, 2009
Most likely because it's in a container rather than in the ground, unless you're cutting it back at the wrong times and chopping off the flowering shoots
4 Jul, 2009