How do you propergate alliums?
By Jewells
Ipswich, Suffolk,
United Kingdom
I have collected many seed heads and am wondering if you can propergate from them?
4 Jul, 2009
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Bulbaholic is right, Jewells, after all, they are just pretty onions!
5 Jul, 2009
How can you, Vince. 'Just pretty onions' indeed! Some people dote on them.
5 Jul, 2009
My mother used to make me eat them when I was young, so I can't look one in the face without cringing with guilt. LOL
10 Jul, 2009
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Previous question
Growing from seed is the easiest way of propagating Alliums.
Separate the seeds out from the heads and sow on the surface of a pot of seed compost with added grit. Cover the seed with a thin layer of grit, add a lable and moisten the compost. Then just leave the seed outdoors until they germinate.
4 Jul, 2009