could anyone recomend a fast growing climbing plant.i need to cover an area of 4x6 ft, it is open to wind and rain so it would need to be quite hardy.
By Jayne101
United Kingdom
any ideas woould be appreciated
8 Jul, 2009
You could use a variegated ivy such as Goldheart or a cotoneaster which looks attractive with its herringbone branches splayed across a wall or fence.
8 Jul, 2009
The only problem with it being fast enough to cover this area quickly is that it will then go on and on!! Be careful what you choose or else you will spend all summer hacking it back. Try Eleagnus maculata (not actually a climber but a good wall shrub and evergreen or variegated)
9 Jul, 2009
Don't know whether its a wall, an arch or what you want to cover, and if the 4 feet is the height or width. Anyway, what about Escallonia (though make sure you don't choose one of the 12 feet high monsters, there is one that gets 7/8 (Red Elf) feet and another even smaller) or Pyracantha (thorny beast though). Both wind resistant and evergreen, both like a wall or fence to lean against
9 Jul, 2009
passiflora bundi
13 Jul, 2009
Previous question
« you can see them at the edge of fields as you go past in the car
A passion flower is quite a vigorous grower....
8 Jul, 2009