I have bogunvilla plants - 2 of them flower but 1 plant does'nt flower
By Lily28777
The one which does'nt flower is potted . can anyone please suggest what must be wrong . we live in a warm climate , with ample sunlight
10 Jul, 2009
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Try 'Bougainvillea', then put a pH meter in your soil - it works best with acidic. They also prefer to be slightly thirsty rather than being in soggy soil.
I've got about a dozen different varieties flowering in pots..... I'll put up a photo.
BTW I'm envious of the plants you CAN grow!!
11 Jul, 2009
I never looked at where you are, Lily, and its India! Fantastic, welcome to GoY - the way things are going, we'll have members on every continent.
11 Jul, 2009
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It'll be because its in a pot, if the others are flowering and they're not in pots, surely.
10 Jul, 2009