By Paticiamb
United States
I have possibly a silly question. I live in Florida. I enjoy this gardening site which I just joined but have a feeling you all are from across the pond? Possibly England? (I visited London about 20 years ago and it is the most beautiful city in the world!!!
10 Jul, 2009
Welcome, Paticiamb.
I think that most, but not all, of the gardeners on this site are from Europe. The largest percentage are English with a few Scots and Welsh for good measure. There are one or two members from mainland Europe but also some from America and Canada.
Maybe the site administrators have more detailed information on membership.
Never mind nationality, we all enjoy our gardens and are happy souls.
10 Jul, 2009
What does it matter where you live? If we created gardens restricted to our respective nationalities our gardens we'd be all the poorer for it. The great fun of gardening is growing something a bit different. My garden's have over 3000 varieties and I reckon, aside from the weeds, I've got about a couple of dozen UK natives.....! LOL
10 Jul, 2009
Hiya Paticiamb, yes, I'm English, live in West London, but there is also a member in Fiji on this site, plus one in Queensland, Australia, and Malta and Spain that I know about and have had contact with. I joined Dave's Garden the other day and I noticed very quickly that that seems to be almost exclusively American and you need to pay to access all areas, which is most certainly not the case on this site. Welcome
10 Jul, 2009
3000 varieties muddy..wow
10 Jul, 2009
Hello Paticiamb and welcome to GoY. The more, the merrier on this site no matter where you live. I'm sure we have other members in Florida so spread the word and help to even up the different nationalities! We'd like to see and hear about US gardens.
10 Jul, 2009
The big bonus of people being on here from all over the world is that there is always a steady flow of pictures, questions and blogs, as people log on at different time zones around the world.
Even though I live in the south of England and can get away with growing a few different types of plants, it's always nice to see others from around the world.
10 Jul, 2009
And I've just seen a question from a member in Jordan, and I also remember a question from someone in Switzerland. And I'm sure there was a question recently from someone out in Nigeria or the Caribbean somewhere ... defo multinational now!
10 Jul, 2009
This is great!!!! I love all of you and do so enjoy being on here. I also went to Dave's Garden but found out that I had to buy a subscription to some magazine to get any communications with others. So thanks for the welcome and i will be here often. Pat from the USA
10 Jul, 2009
Especiallly to Muddywellies! I am indeed happy to be sharing this with others from around the world. I have a collection of pictures of English Gardens, now honestly, is there anything more beautiful?
10 Jul, 2009
Thank you and keep in touch with us all.
You have an RV?!! They are great. I toured all your National Parks with a backpack, Greyhound and my thumb way, way back.
Each day I'd erect my tent and you trailer guys would invite me in to drool over your accommodations!
11 Jul, 2009
Hello from France and welcome to GOY. I also belong to what seems to be a largely USA website, 'Kitchen Gardeners (kitchengardeners.org) but that's mainly about vegetables of course. I find the Forums there are nothing like so good for exchanging thoughts and ideas. GOY is excellent because there's such a friendly group of people who will try to answer questions and share their expertise. It's also a good place to post photos and see how others are doing with their gardens and plants.
11 Jul, 2009
Well I'll be damned - I've just answered a question from a new member in India. I think its fantastic - I know loads about gardening here, but in all these other countries, there's so much to learn about what they can grow - but I have no books that help me with that!
11 Jul, 2009
Our national parks are wonderful. The only sad thing is that due to the economy they are making it impossible for our kids and grandkids to see them. I will check out the kitchengardeners site. I also grow herbs and tomatoes! So that should be interesting. Have a good day!
11 Jul, 2009
I have visited several other British sites but this is by far the best. So easy to find your way around it and such great people!
11 Jul, 2009
I agree with you Lily2. There are other gardening groups and forums around but this is the "must read" for me - the others I glance through in case anything catches my eye.
12 Jul, 2009
Just found this site yesterday and the quick responses are fantastic. I appreciate the wonderful information provided by everyone. A lot of sites want to know where you are before you get a response to the questions you ask and then you may not get one at all.
So pleased I found GOY!
12 Jul, 2009
Previous question
hello Paticiamb
welcome to goy.
we are from all over the world. i'm in Wales uk. but we have members all over the USA Europe and down under...
10 Jul, 2009