physocarpus opulifolius newly bought from Garden Centre
By Murphyandkit
Scottish Borders,
United Kingdom
Bought from Garden Centre at weekend-planted out in dry sandy soil. Well watered. Two days later, is wilting fast.
All other shrubs bought at same time and planted in same vicinity looking well. Any advice?
Scottish Borders.
10 Jul, 2009
In that type of soil i think it would be needing copious watering.
Did you bulk out the soil with manure or anything else because that would be a way of ensuring moisture retension.
I planted one of these and in its first few months it was a VERY thirsty plant, it wilted as soon as it needed a drink, if i forgot to water it one day it would definately let me know the next day !
11 Jul, 2009
Wrong plant - wrong soil. Ask before you buy? Name those other shrubs which are looking OK if you would....
11 Jul, 2009
The other plants are Astilbe; Perpetual Sweet Pea; a variety of hebe and a variety of spirea. they are all flourishing.
Fear I did not put in much fertiliser with the root ball but I am watering madly!!
thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
11 Jul, 2009
I am going to add a word of warning here - Astilbes need to be in damp soil, so watch it, won't you! I don't think it will like dry sandy soil. :-(
11 Jul, 2009
Thank you, will keep an eye on it. Probably the amount of water I am lashing on them is keeping it alive just now!!! Not used to this dry hot weather in Scotland!!!
11 Jul, 2009
Had very heavy showers since Saturday and the difference in the plant is amazing - looking happy and healthy now. Maybe needed to give it time to adjust to being out of its pot and to acclimatize to its new surroundings.
14 Jul, 2009
Good - nice to hear some good news! You are lucky to have good weather - we haven't down here. :-(
14 Jul, 2009
i'd lift it and check the root for pests like vine weevil. they munch roots and then the plant wilts. if the roots are clear i dont know what else to suggest.
10 Jul, 2009