Our grape are falling off.
By Lanceh
We moved to Bulgaria this year and have a well established grapevine but the grapes are falling off before they have matured and also the leaves.
We do have some other young grapevines which are doing alright. Could the older grapevine be coming to the end of it's lifetime.
15 Jul, 2009
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Thanks Nicky but with regards not enough water we had a day of torrential rain and it seems to be after this that things started to go wrong. I'll try and attach photos.
19 Jul, 2009
Perhaps to much.
A day or heavy rain may still not be enough to soak down.
In England, esp where i live, weve had rain everyday for a week and the soil is finally saturated!
19 Jul, 2009
Lance has put photos on the garden photos section if anyone wishes to see. :o)
19 Jul, 2009
You could be right about not enough water although we have had an awfull lot in a very short period of time but as it is hot over here maybe the water hasn't reached the parts that it needs to reach. (sounds like an advert) I don't think we can do anything about it this year except to cut it back and hope that new shoots will show next year. We have a few younger ones that are producing grapes and haven't withered so we will train these up as well. For those interested in wild life we have got a storks nest just up the lane and they return every year to have their young, this year they had 3, see photos.
21 Jul, 2009
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I wouldnt of thought it would be dying off as they lives for decades. It may that its not getting enough water. The young ones roots are still close to surface and not spread out far whereas the old ones roots will go down a longer distance and water may not be getting down that far if you havent had much rain.
19 Jul, 2009