Scale on orchid flowers, how to control?
By Jvysniau
Scale is usually on leaves which are less delicate, but process of toothbrush with alcohol for removal too harsh for flower. Pests on backs of all 10 flowers, but not on front. Flowers look healthy from front, but infested on back. Is it too late to remedy?
18 Jul, 2009
Must admit have never seen scale insects on the blooms themselves, they usually hide on the undersides of the leaves. They are easy enough to remove by hand i.e. wipe off with a tissue , or as Seaburngirl suggests, treat with meths. There are also good sprays too
18 Jul, 2009
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use a cotton bud dipped in Meths and dab the scale insect with it. this has the desired effect.
welcome to GoY too.
18 Jul, 2009