Can anybody identify this plant?
By Dirty_hands
North Ayrshire,
United Kingdom
It stands 1.30 mts tall and has been flowering since the beginning of June.
It was a 4" stem cutting from Devon.

20 Jul, 2009
It is very beautiful but as I am trying to find out the names of plants and remember them i will try and remember this one as it would fit into my garden perfectly. :~)))
20 Jul, 2009
I have this popping up as a weed all over the place but have left it be as I like it, I will research and find out what it is.
20 Jul, 2009
Yup Linaria and, at least in our garden, a weed
20 Jul, 2009
it is called Linnaria or common toadflax. it self seeds freely and comes in pink as well.
20 Jul, 2009
Welcome to GOY Dirtyhands and good luck with your new garden. Brilliant having a new canvas, hope you have lots of fun planning it out.
20 Jul, 2009
Linaria purpurea... and you can buy a named one, a beautiful pink one called 'Canon Went'.
Yes, they do seed themselves, and you get different colours popping up in unexpected places!
20 Jul, 2009
Many thanks to all who helped me with their knowledge. I now know that it is a Linaria.
Dirty Hands
21 Jul, 2009
Looks like a linaria
20 Jul, 2009