Harvesting 'Honesty' seeds
By Cornishsally
United Kingdom
I sowed a pretty lilacy/blue Honesty last year which flowered this spring. I'm now waiting impatiently for the seed pods to mature, as the plant looks extremely scruffy. Will the seeds mature if I cut the whole stem off & hang it up to dry? Some of the pods are still quite new & green, though others have turned purpleybrown.I don't really want them to self seed where they are anyway, but two friends have asked for seeds so I don't want to disappoint them.
21 Jul, 2009
Coo that was quick! Yes, I know about rubbing off the outside and I was trying to preserve the whole stem as they are pretty for winter (don't mention that word) decorations. Thank you Bamboo
21 Jul, 2009
21 Jul, 2009
You'd be better off waiting till the green ones have turned colour - I think it'd be fine to remove the purpley brown ones though and continue to dry them out a bit inside. You know, presumably, that you usually have to sort of rub off the outside when its got papery to access the seeds inside?
21 Jul, 2009