By Scottish
Monarda - collecting seeds.
I am currently trying to collect some seeds from the dried seed heads from Monarda Croftway Pink and Prairinacht and need some advice.
The only way I seem to be able to get any seed ( well, what I think are the seed) from those little tube like things is to pull them off individually and split/tear it open. Very fiddly but that I dont mind :))
Am I doing this right or will doing it this way affect the seeds viability?
Alternative methods welcome please :))
3 Oct, 2012
The head, at the base of the petals, is where the seeds are found, they are like small brown pips.
4 Oct, 2012
Thanks Teegee and 2nd hand. Very informative information Teegee - a handy reference for future for me.
2ndhand - thanks for that - I managed to locate them from your description - seed collecting over the weekend :))
5 Oct, 2012
Previous question
Reading this might help!
3 Oct, 2012