anyone got or seen allium firecracker?
By Bornagain
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I'm very tempted by a picture in T&M brochure of allium firecracker mixed. God they look amazing! I'm very fond of alliums, but have been fooled by photos before and wonder if any goy members have seen them in the flesh so to speak, or actually grow them?
24 Jul, 2009
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they have specials in Jparkers too very pretty
x x x
24 Jul, 2009
Firecracker mixed are OK if you can put them near the front. They're all short ones.
24 Jul, 2009
I've seen them too. BBB is right. They are short. They are pretty much as the photos show colour-wise. Not bad....but then again I'm not a big allium fan usually.
25 Jul, 2009
thanks all, as they're rather expensive and perhaps not so spectacular, I'll give them a miss this time. Perhaps Wilkinsons will have them cheap next year :-))
25 Jul, 2009
Not seen the advert, but does it say what species etc. they are?
I have some different coloured Allium tauricum which is normally yellow, but these are everything from red to white. However, they seed all over the place and the seedlings are almost all the original yellow.
Now if these Firecracker ones are like that then you could be importing trouble.
25 Jul, 2009
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Not got them but there is a good offer in the August issue of Garden Answers. I'm tempted to give them a go.
24 Jul, 2009