By Wagger
United Kingdom
I was trying to close brackets and my little finger slipped off the shift key and all the print on the page has shrunk. I've tried resizing on the text size but it doesn't work. What on earth do I need to do to get the page back to normal?
25 Jul, 2009
If you go to 'edit' at the top of the screen it will sometimes give the option to cancell the last action you carried out.
26 Jul, 2009
Have you tried holding down Ctrl while you press the close square bracket key (]) ? In word you can use ctrl[ and ctrl] as short cuts to increase and decrease text size.
26 Jul, 2009
Thank you all for your help - Pip c - it worked! I'm back to norman (or as normal as I;ll ever be - Yippee!)
26 Jul, 2009
aah this sorts out what my lil girl keeps doing too
thanks for that
x x x
26 Jul, 2009
This'll be a great help to me on sites where the text is very small - drives me nuts sometimes.
28 Jul, 2009
Try holding down 'Ctrl' while you scroll up/down with your mouse - this works on Wordpad but I'm not sure about anything else.
26 Jul, 2009