Catch Crops
By Bulbaholic
I can't be the only GoYer to have a subscription to Saga Magazine (no you fool, but you are the only one to admit it) but did anyone else read the gardening column this month?
The writer describes how he cuts his broad bean stalks down to ground level after cropping, as we already do, and leaves the roots in the ground so that the nitrogen nodules can return nitrogen to the soil. He then goes on to say that, rather than just leave the ground waste for the rest of the year he sows quickly maturing cabbages amongst the roots as cabbage benefits from this nitrogen. The idea is to have extra, small fresh cabbage in the autumn and winter.
We have just been out and sown spare seed of Primo and Greyhound along the bean and pea rows. They are early summer varieties, already doing well from the original sowings, but we have nothing to lose - at the worst they will provide extra green manure or compost.
2 Aug, 2009
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winter vegetables
What a great idea, Bulbaholic! I often felt bad about not using up the good of those roots ASAP and that some of the nitrogen would be lost before I did replant the patch...and how lovely to have small fresh "greens" later on too. Do keep us posted on how you get on.
PS I don't get the SAGA mag...but sure qualify!! Looks like I am missing out !!
2 Aug, 2009
Do buy the magazine, but never read the Gardening bit, only actually do the Prize Crossword. BUT, we have been doing that with the Beans for 40 years or so, nothing new is there?
2 Aug, 2009
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That was in the 'control bed' following the lunar calendar we can't do the same in the 'moon bed' until next Saturday...
2 Aug, 2009