Screening, Hedging & Bugs
By Marrowman
Thankyou very much Bamboo for your speedy response. Have a nagging worry about whether we can plant 'non-countryside' type hedging plants, as land was previously arable till farmer sold it off in plots. We put stout stock fencing round the bit we bought, but need screen hedging to block off old ugly sheds/stables in the rest of the field. Anyone know anything about this kind of thing? Just to confuse, we would like to get wild flowers going in the adjacent 2 acre plot - just used it as a hay meadow for last 2 years, would like to help bees and bugs etc. Sound like a beginner again, trying to get some guidance on all this!
2 Aug, 2009
If you're not sure whether you're allowed to plant different forms of hedging,check with your local council planning department first, they should be able to advise you of do's and don'ts, though it occurs to me that if you own the land privately, not as an agricultural plot, then I don't see why you shouldn't be able to plant what you want, within reason.
Can't help on the wildflower meadow thing - check the RHS website, they may have info on that. Sorry for delayed answer, been away!.
5 Aug, 2009