how do i get cutting from a rose
By Barricuda
United Kingdom
live in the midlands i had this rose for yrs no idea what it's called tho
8 Aug, 2009
thanks mookins i will try that one
because i'm a new at this game the rose as flowered every year xxx
8 Aug, 2009
Im a newbie too hun
its all fun to learn though
fingers crossed and let us know how you get on
x x x
8 Aug, 2009
Welcome to GoY, Barricuda ~
If the rose is large enough, take lots of cuttings, and on the law of averages, at least a couple will root. :o)
8 Aug, 2009
The advised way of doing it is to take cuttings of about 10 - 12" long, dig a trench somewhere in the garden, pop them in, and leave them alone - they can take several months to root, but do quite easily. Good luck!
9 Aug, 2009
The best way to take cuttings of roses (and many will do well on their own roots) is to take hardwood cuttings of this years growth between 12-18 ins if available. Put them half their length into the ground in October/November and many will root by late spring. The cut end will callous over during winter and this is where the root tissue sprouts from. Don't try at this time of year unless you like a challenge!
9 Aug, 2009
Sorry - my cuttings were a bit too short - my 'guesstimations' of length are HOPELESS!
Thanks, Fractal for the added info.
9 Aug, 2009
couldnt find my accidental cutting for ages, then realised If I was lucky it would be bigger than when it started
so have found it now
x x
9 Aug, 2009
Many places will graft one for you. i had this done 2 weeks ago as its a very old proper hybrid tea, huge flowers and amazing scent. Not association can identify it and the mother plant nearly 40 yrs old is on way out. Fortunitely the grafting man is a friend of a friedn so cost me nothing! only trouble is i have to wait till Oct 2010 to get it! Ow ell it will live on
9 Aug, 2009
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I recently accidently broke a piece of one of mine so I stuck it in compost as if I had taken a cutting from it rooted eventually
x x x
8 Aug, 2009