Why are all my pea plants suffering?
By Mebennet
United Kingdom
The peas are spindly and have yellow and brown spots. Some have gone completely yellow to brown and died. Any ideas? I've had problems with poor soil (shoolyard!)
They were sown in July if that helps.
On plant
pisum sativum

8 Aug, 2009
Featured on:
poor soil plants
The soil is sandy and silty with some clay in it. The water retention is low and I suspect high nutrient drainage with poor retention qualities. The pH averages 7 throughout the site.
I added some general compost to the soil before sowing the seeds in double rows. I apply a liquid feed once a fortnight.
12 Aug, 2009
I think the fact that you did not plant the peas until July plus your extremely poor soil is the answer. Plant peas in March/April next year and get some organic matter into the soil before then.
12 Aug, 2009
It is rather late in the year to sow peas in July, but I suspect the main problem is the quality of your soil! What did you do before planting the pea seeds? You say it is a school yard does this mean the hard surface was removed? Sorry need more info to answer.
12 Aug, 2009