I was wondering if there were any filters, or other ways to organize or search other than random favorites, reading others blogs etc., And can mssgs be deleted from our in/outbox's etc. so everything is current and I don't have to scroll down and re read
By Willpickem
United States
I was going to ask about soil tests, but found my answer. I'm located in in Central Washington State, and would like to get at least 80 different locations tested for pH as well as know what my soil is deficient in, I found the local Washington State University Cooperative Extension office can help. No problems I can't work through, getting the hang of it slowly, great site, but I am interested in the gardeners as well as the gardens, and don't want to bother striking up a chat for a week only to find that I may be irritating someones spouse by taking so much of their time, if you know what I mean. But if someone doesn't have a spouse, and has similar interests, and Wants to chat endlessy, how do I figure that out, other than to start each message with something like "I love your flower, and I'd love to visit Ireland(or somewhere) someday but are you married?" lol, Such a wonderful site but I don't want to offend anyone. If there aren't any filters in place, then I can check the 'about myself' bios more carefully, and limit my chat to related subjects rather than things I am also curious about like info about the town someone lives in, local customs etc. Is that what the blogs are for? I have never blogged before, to my knowledge lol tx
On plant
stilla bitconfused
13 Aug, 2009
Hi Will - welcome to GOY. Yes, it's great site! I think anyone would be happy to have a chat with you about gardening - or a plant - so just dive in and see!
There are guidelines set up by Peter and Ajay who created GOY and 'run' it. You'll find these at the bottom of the page on a link.
Otherwise, none of us 'bite' and we are a friendly group...good luck and enjoy it!
One point - if you particularly like someone's garden, then you can make them a 'favourite', and get news about what they are doing - adding plants, photos etc.
Ooops! I just checked out your profile - and you've done that already - sorry. :-(
Hope this helps a bit. :-)
14 Aug, 2009
Hi Will......yes try a blog and see what response you get, we're all a friendly bunch here and like to comment on each others trips away to different places, though they usually have a gardening theme...... Sometimes you can manage to chat for a little while, if your both on......give it a go and see what happens....I bet you'll be surprised.....:o)
14 Aug, 2009
~Catfinch and Weeds11 are both from Washington state and you may find common ground to chat about with them~both very nice and already spoken for so no worries there!
Welcome to Goy~you will enjoy it!
14 Aug, 2009
Hi Will,you could direct your questions to Peter or Ajay who run this site.If you scroll down to the black panel at the bottom of any page you can click on 'contact us'.
I don't think you can delete your questions but you can delete blogs and photo's. I don't know of any filters either.
The most recent comments on your in/out box should be at the top of the pages,but when you comment on a blog/photo you do have to scroll down to read most recent.
Please contact the organisers as they do like to hear comments and suggestions and have made many changes over time.Glad you are enjoying the site :)
13 Aug, 2009