Fast Growing screening - any ideas?
By Rosyglo
United Kingdom
everyone and thanks for the welcomes. I'm still finding my way around so forgive the non-reply as I'm not sure how to do that yet.
I have an age old problem - awful neighbours....very very noisy and inconsiderate. We are fairly quiet people and find the noise intrusive. The fence between us and the new neighbours is open trellis at the top and I would like to grow something on this south facing area to create a screen....any thoughts?
I think we will have to move in the end as they have a young family and it will only get worse. We have tried for 18 months to be friendly and to put up with noise but to be honest my nerves can't take much more. A nice screen would also help us to sell the property in the future.
Thanks for helping.
16 Aug, 2009
I wouldn't choose Russian Vine - you'll need a machete and an army to keep it in check.
One that will work quite well, even though it will get 30 feet eventually, is Clematis montana - quite a fast grower, flowers in Spring; it'll twine its way along the trellis reasonably quickly, with good leaf cover in the summer.
16 Aug, 2009
We have to keep our Celmatis montana well pruned or it would cover the whole of the potting shed - including the roof!
16 Aug, 2009
I know Moongrower, it is very vigorous, but I doubt it would get into a 30 foot long pipe and emerge the other end and produce another 30 feet - I've never forgotten discovering that in someone's garden! It was, of course, Russian Vine, and I've never planted one anywhere after that experience....
16 Aug, 2009
I was wondering about bamboo or some sort of grass?
Neighbours are not just noisy they are almost neighbours from hell. The wife screeches at the 2 little children, the husband bellows at the children, the children scream and cry and the husband and wife then scream and shout at each other. Even when they are not all screaming at each other they are shouting. I don't think I have ever heard them just talking in a normal voice. It's the poor little ones I feel for. It's not a happy home.
16 Aug, 2009
When i read your post, I immediately thought of bamboo. It makes a fabulous tall screen and would hopefully cushion the racket,but it could take a couple of years to grow tall and bushy. Unless you go to GC and buy a few older ones - bit pricey!
Someone on here will know the name of the type I'm thinking of. It spreads freely.
16 Aug, 2009
Bamboo will work if you don't want it to grow up the trellis but, MBD says it will take a couple of years to establish.
16 Aug, 2009
trouble with bamboo it can be very invasive and very difficult to get rid of.
I would like to suggest you look at Solanum tuberosum white or blue tiny flowers, a lovely fast growing climber flowers all summer very easy to train and prune if required. Its also hardy.
16 Aug, 2009
I sympathise with you. Unfortunately I doubt that any climber is really going to do too much to dampen the noise but at least you won't have to look at the offenders.
16 Aug, 2009
I was just browsing the newspaper websites - I saw the following article about acoustic screening for gardens and thought of you. Could get expensive but might be worth it.
16 Aug, 2009
Thanks again for lovely responses, I do appreciate your suggestions.
I'm guessing bamboo will take too long as I think we will definitely be moving now. Had a truly awful weekend and felt like prisoners in our own house. Only thing we can do now is make it presentable and hope we find a buyer.
17 Aug, 2009
What a sad end rosyglo I hope you get good neighbours next time.I dread to think what will happen to those poor children.
17 Aug, 2009
if you honestly think the children are in danger then you need to report the parents
17 Aug, 2009
Believe me I have thought of it and if I thought for a minute they were being violent towards them I would, but I think (and hope) it's just verbal.
I never thought I would be in this situation and it is very sad because my own grandchildren live very close to me and I hate the thought of moving too far away from them. We have put over 20 years of effort into our home and garden and it will be a wrench but if you aren't able to enjoy it what's the point. Thanks again for your advice, I'm off to try and rescue my lawn now. It's been invaded with purple clover this year :-(
17 Aug, 2009
You have a vast choice of climbing plants, clematis (keep its roots cool), roses, russian vine if you want something really quick growing, virginia creeper, the fancy variegated ivies, passion flowers, moon flowers, morning glory, honeysuckle, wisteria. Copy and paste this url into your web browser for more info
Oh, and good luck with the noisy neighbours! It must be difficult for them too if they have young children, when they were smaller our grandsons made far more noise than we liked when they visited.
16 Aug, 2009