By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Fresh manure we get a delivery on the allotment site every Sunday from a local stable and I have filled one of my compost bins and wondered does it go on the veg beds now and get covered or do I wait for spring
21 Oct, 2012
The old rule used to be manure in Spring to warm the soil and mulch in Autumn to retain the heat. If it is fresh manure then I would suggest waiting until Spring before using it.
21 Oct, 2012
Oh dear,
I was told it was o.k. to spread fresh manure all over my raised beds about now and that the worms would drag it down ( I've lots of them). And that the Winter weather would "mature" it so I could dig it in in March. And I've being doing this for 4 years.
I've had no problems so far as far as I know. Maybe this is why beetroot will only grow in my greenhouse ?
21 Oct, 2012
Beetroot certainly does not like 'fresh' manure. However, spreading the manure on now and letting the winter do its work is practised by many people and it seems to work for them.
I think that the old idea was that any goodness in the manure would be leached out over winter when the soil was bare of plants and there was little root growth to take up the food, so it was wasted.
21 Oct, 2012
If its too fresh I believe it can burn the plants too, though when I was small I used to be sent out to shovel up horse droppings from the road and they went straight onto the roses.
21 Oct, 2012
Or the Rhubarb (personally I prefer custard on my Rhubarb).
21 Oct, 2012
What a good idea - must try it next year!
21 Oct, 2012
Manure on your Rhubarb instead of custard Stera?
22 Oct, 2012
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if the manure has got wood chippings in with it,it's best not used for 12 months so the chippings can rot down, not too sure when is the best time to apply to soil for best results though,sure others will tell you more,
21 Oct, 2012