any ideas what this plant might be?
By Sandyb
west sussex ,
United Kingdom
We moved to our new house at the end of last year and started doing some leveling work in March due to the garden sloping some 7ft from one side to the other.
We had several loads of top soil delivered and also dug out some of our own for a water feature so it could have come from anywhere. On one of the mounds of earth this plant started growing so we had to give it a chance.
Unfortuantly we had to recently move it as it was growing in the middle of where our new lawn was going to be but it is recovering. The problem is that we have no idea what it might be. It has even become a little game at BBQ's but still no one can name it. Any help would be wonderful.

17 Aug, 2009
Not sure Sandy but looks a lot like a strong weed.....I've a feeling those new round growths at the leaf joints will be burrs to propogate itself.
Well have looked in my book and it looks like Common Cocklebur...a wasteland weed......sorry.
17 Aug, 2009
If those are spiky "fruits" then I suspect it is Datura stramonium or Thornapple and it is poisonous and I wouldn't keep it...get it out of there - especially if you have young family etc. There seems to be a lot of it about this year - by the amount of queries there have been on GoY already!
PS Wrong spy obviously! Sorry! Looks like I have Datura on the brain this year .....just because I grow it...the tame one that is!
17 Aug, 2009
Thanks everyone. Looks like its days are numbered lol
17 Aug, 2009
This plant just keeps coming up on this forum. I think that is about the fourth query now in a week!!!
17 Aug, 2009
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What you have there is a lovely crop of a wild plant called Good King Henry. Basically, it's a weed, but in mediaeval times it was used as a vegetable. Don't fancy it myself.
17 Aug, 2009