What plant have you grown for the first time?
By Weedpatch
United Kingdom
Have you grown something new in your garden this year? Are you pleased with it?
I wanted a quick,tall cover up and tried a multi coloured ornamental corn on the cob. Horrid. Not growing that again.
Hope you had more luck.
19 Aug, 2009
Euryops acreaus; disappointed that it stopped flowering by about June, but I suppose I shouldn't complain, it had been in flower ceaselessly from mid January until then! And Euphorbia myrsinites - great foliage, bit sprawly, no flowers yet, but grew it for the colour and shape of the foliage anyway.
19 Aug, 2009
thats a lovely euphorbia....lovely in early spring with its acid green colour....nice with red tulips......
19 Aug, 2009
Celeriac... still small at the moment but growing nicely.
19 Aug, 2009
Actually motinot E.myrsinites has silvery grey foliage
19 Aug, 2009
Mina lobata, also called Ipomaea lobata. a very different look to its clusters of bright orangy flowers. It is an annual climber, related to the lovely blue Ipomaea.
19 Aug, 2009
I'd keep away from the balsams....they can be very invasive!!!!!
19 Aug, 2009
Phygelius rectus African Queen. I've never grown this before, I didn't even know what it was called till I asked on here.
I have it growing in a smallish pot, 7", on my balcony. I like it in the pot as it is a more manageable size & you can look into the lovely flowers.
I have a 2nd plant in an old plastic clothes basket that I lined with a black plastic bin bag last year. That one has produced ONE SINGLE flower! Probably my fault as I pinched out the tips a couple of times hoping it would produce more branches & therefore more flowers at a lower height. Didn't work though! :(
There are several pictures in my garden page of this plant.
19 Aug, 2009
I grew Cleome a couple of years ago and was also really pleased with it. Had forgotten about it though. Now I've been reminded, I'll give it another go.
19 Aug, 2009
I haven't grown anything new yet but I can't wait for the Australian spring! that begins in about two weeks. It will be my first as a trainee horticulturalist and I've already bought Aster and Carnation seeds to sow. I really like annuals.
19 Aug, 2009
Agastache foeniculum! A great success...looks wonderful in flower, still does now with its furry seedheads, and has been a butterfly magnet, too.
I am waiting to see if it survives the winter, but I have a packet of seeds in case...
20 Aug, 2009
I grew Cosmos 'Antiquity' that starts off deep magenta and fades to pink as it ages. Horrid!! Mean lttle flowers that fade to a wishy-washy colour...yuk!! I'll stick to the regular pink and white next year!
20 Aug, 2009
Anemone de caen... Planted the bulbs upside down in a hanging basket (about 20)..lol.. had to take them out and replant in a raised bed and turned out fantastic, beautiful large flowers on stems about one and a half feet tall..gorgeous, ordered more and already got some in for next year.
20 Aug, 2009
i grew a double pink hollyhock and it was about 5ft tall, 3 stems and so many lovely flowers, no rust or eaten leaves either, buds still opening every day, love it
25 Aug, 2009
Penstemon palmeri from seed.....It has done well and one or two have now got flower spikes getting ready to open. I can't wait!!
27 Aug, 2009
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I grew Cleome this year. I have been really impressed with how well it has done and how well it has stood up to the heat we have here. The other plant I've grown for the first time is Balsam and I have also been extremely impressed with its performance too.
19 Aug, 2009