By Treeman
United Kingdom
Hi. I was visiting a neighbours garden and she asked if I could identify a plant for her. Of course I can...says I. But I have never seen its like before. It was not looking its best as we have had several frosts this autumn so I don't know if it was as tall as it might have been earlier in the year, or what it flowers might have looked like. However, its leaves were like a Japanese anenome and stood about foot tall, almost trillium like. In fact if you crossed a trillium with a Japanese anenome then this is what you might get. However, under this little canopy of leaves there were these bright red fleshy fruit which resembled a small red pepper, about 2 1/2 inches top top to tail and about 1 1/2 inches wide. The birds had been at them, but there were some small round pepper-corn like seeds inside the fruit.
I have tried my plant ID books but cannot find it. Is there anyone out there that can identify it for me please.
Thanks, treeman
25 Oct, 2012
That fruit description says Podophyllum hexandrum to me, also.
Trillium x japanese anemone, hmm. Interesting description, treeman, but I think I see what you mean ;-))))
25 Oct, 2012
Thank you both. My neighbour will be delighted when I tell her. Apparently she has had this plant in her garden for nearly twenty years, without ever knowing what it is.
I see it is hardy to -20 degrees so I might see if the Edrom chaps at Coldingham have one so I can try it here. Thanks again :o)
25 Oct, 2012
You could also try growing from seed Treeman. It comes fairly readily from seed though will take severaly years to flower and fruit. There is an ample supply of seeds in your neighbours garden. Wait until the plant has collapsed and the fruits, now very dark red and soft, have fallen to the ground (this happened several weeks ago with us and my seeds have been sent off to a seed exchange). The inside of the fruit is very soft and 'ucky' with a lot of seeds. You need to clean up the seeds and can then sow them.
27 Oct, 2012
Thanks for that. There aren't many seeds around as the plant only had two fruits this year and the blackbirds had had quite a good go at them.
I did take one of the half eaten fruits which appears to have some seed inside.
I googled growing from seed and it recommended hot water to separate the seeds from the gloop and then a regime of alternating warm and then cold periods to encourage germination.
Is this what you do, or do you have a simpler method? Do you use compost, compost+grit or just grit to sow them in?
Thanks again
27 Oct, 2012
I have not needed to do this myself as they have self-seeded in the garden. As they are a largish seed I would use a humus based compost (rather than John Innes) with an equal amount of grit. Cover the surface with grit and leave the pot outdoors. As you know, we get a natural cold/warm cycle with the weather anyway so no need to be fussy.
I have an old nylon flour seive which I put the fruit contents into and rub the gloop off under the tap in the sink (potting shed, NOT kitchen).
27 Oct, 2012
Thanks, I'll pot them up and put them under the hedge in the veggie garden.
28 Oct, 2012
Bit of a challenge without a photo but Podophyllum springs to mind. Copy and paste the link below into your web browser to see images of:
25 Oct, 2012