Sickly hamamelis
By Sueru
United Kingdom
I recently bought two hamamelis from different sources and planted them in my garden. One - Arnold's Promise - was put in a shadier, less well-drained site and is thriving. The other - Ruby Glow - is in a sunnier spot, but after starting to sprout leaves these have now dried and shrivelled - have I lost this plant? I don't think it has been allowed to dry out too much - the ground has been wet, and I have watered it well during dry spells ....
On plant
Hamamelis mollis
18 May, 2008
Thanks for the reply - fingers crossed it still seems to be alive, so have moved it nearer its partner ....
24 May, 2008
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Hamamelis are woodland plants - it sounds like your poorly one just can't cope ith the sunny position. Try scratching the bark of the main stem low down - if it still shows green, it is still alive but would really need moving to a shady position; if it is brown, I'm afraid it is beyond hope
19 May, 2008