invasive lily of the valleys
By Patm
worcester, ma,
United States
As much as I love the look and smell of lily of the valley, they are overtaking my garden. Any suggestions for getting rid of them besides pulling them up? Wondered if Roundup could be used.
On plant
Lily of the Valley
18 May, 2008
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spring bulbs
OOOH! And there's me trying to get them established! I think that BB's idea is a good one - dig up the ones you don't want and pass them round your neighbours and friends or take them to a plant stall! Even put them in bundles outside your gate with a message to 'help yourself'... PLEASE don't kill them unless you just have to! Don't forget also that they spread by rhizomes so if you use weedkiller you will possibly lose them ALL.
19 May, 2008
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Well yes round up would work but dont use as difficult to be selective.Many people love this plant and can be tough to establish but once it is can be invasive.Would much rather this than ground elder or bindweed that I fight against do dig up as no problem giving it away surround area with other ground cover as this will reduce shoots exposure to light - have you noticed how it seems to appear in vacant patches doesnt push through other plants.This a more eco friendly way of controlling it.
18 May, 2008