moving plants
By Walthamstow
North Wales,
United Kingdom
Dear Friends
I have a Peony that i planted this year ,but i planted it to deep so it never flowered when would it be the best time to lift it .Also i would like to move some Fushia's when would be the best time to move them.
29 Aug, 2009
Like Bamboo says the best time to move your plants around is in the autumn. If you can do it in September all the better as the soil is still warm & the weather is fairly cooperative. The plants will have time too to make some roots before winter begins so they should get away better in the spring.
29 Aug, 2009
Paeonies should be moved as soon as they go dormant - ie late auutmn. I moved twelve of them the year before last and nine of them flowered last year so it definitely works
29 Aug, 2009
be very nice to it after
peonies are such grumpy things
mine is still moody with me after rescuing from my mothers garden
just cant please some!!
x x x
29 Aug, 2009
Best time to move things around is autumn, towards end September. One thing though - paeonies hate root disturbance, so if you really want to move it, decide on its permanent position. When you dig it up, take as large an area of soil around it as possible and keep it intact as you move it so that the plant, hopefully, doesn't experience root disturbance.
29 Aug, 2009