what is it
By Dp057
B31 4QN,
United Kingdom
I have a plant come in my garden it has a trunk about 1" across the leaves are serated with tiny black specks on it and there are lovely blue flowers that only last a day and then revert back to what looked like chinese lantens with a pod inside that is as big as a marble

1 Sep, 2009
Isn't it a nightshade of some description, if those are little black berries in the picture at the top of the plant? I wouldn't eat it, whatever else you do.
1 Sep, 2009
I agree with Cammomile. It belongs to a family that contains many poisonous plants so Berties advice applies.
1 Sep, 2009
Thank you Cammomile you have correctly identified my plant for me, I have idea where is has come from but delight with your swift reply
1 Sep, 2009
Now that I know my plant is a Nicandra Physaloides if Cammomile would like some seads I will willing send some via post my e-mail address is dp057@sky.com to send me your address
2 Sep, 2009
I think its a Nicandra Physaloides or shoo fly or apple of Peru. Very pretty. I was told that it was free seeding and that I would have loads of plants every year, but it appears not to like my garden and alas is no longer!
1 Sep, 2009