RHS Wisley
United Kingdom
Is it worth visiting at this time of year - or should I hold out until next year? I'm sure this sounds like an idiotic question, as most keen gardeners would like to see any garden at any time of year. The reason I ask though is that I will have to drag reluctant "I hate gardening with a passion" husband around with me, and if its not great, we will probably be there for about half an hour before I am forced to leave or file for divorce....
4 Sep, 2009
Wait a few weeks for the autumn colours.
I would think there is something for everyone who likes gardens.
As for hubby, if he doesn't like gardens there's only one thing to do - file... ;-)
5 Sep, 2009
Ha ha - I have threatened that many times, but sadly, I need to help to fund my plant buying habit... thanks for the answers. I'll let you know if I am still married and have seen Wisley in a week's time!! M
5 Sep, 2009
There's a flower show on there from 11th to 13th September.
5 Sep, 2009
Those are the only days I can't go - what a shame.
5 Sep, 2009
I go there most weeks as it is local.
It is worth going now if you like dahlias as the trial field is full of them in early September. The tall grasses are also starting to look their best
5 Sep, 2009
The herbaceous borders were looking good when I was there recently and they have an autumn border which will just be starting. There is a long border of annuals by the canal (in front of the house) which should still be looking good and a small walled garden which is also bedded out. As long as you stick to these bits, I think you should keep your husband reasonably happy
5 Sep, 2009
He's promised now so he can't get out of it - and I'm going with or without him! For those who are local, if you there next week and see a couple where the woman is in raptures, and the husband looks like he's about to go to sleep - give us a wave!
5 Sep, 2009
I hate to tell you this, muddywellie, but we'd probably have a job picking you out from the crowd of people exhibiting similar symptoms ....
5 Sep, 2009
Sooo true !
5 Sep, 2009
I might be there myself - but I'm just going to the garden centre - which day are you going? I definitely won't be there on Wednesday - that's the day I have the lovely experience of a sigmoidoscopy - for those who don't know what that is, it involves a tube and a camera...
5 Sep, 2009
Ugh :(
..... and they tell you it's 'mimimally invasive' .... yeah right ! :(
I hope it goes ok Bamboo.
5 Sep, 2009
Dreading it - I find the drill at the dentists highly invasive, never mind a sigmoidoscope;-(
5 Sep, 2009
I'm still trying to get Husband to commit to a particular day and as he wants to go sailing - and will want to go on the nice weather days when I would rather be at Wisley! Never mind - I'll get there by hook or by crook etc. Good luck with the procedure - anything with tubes and cameras is usually not very pleasant.
5 Sep, 2009
Previous question
Hi Muddywellie, you're up late!!! I have a similar type of husband to you, so I can completely understand why you ask the question. Sorry I cant answer it though, although like you, I'm sure it would be lovely at any time of year.
4 Sep, 2009