Bare root roses
By Mikesherriff
north yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Until Woolworths closed, bare root roses were readily available at this time of year for a reasonable price. Now the price of bare root rush bushes has risen extortionatley. Is it possible to purchase bare root bushes at a reasonable price, if so, where?
9 Sep, 2009
Lidl have their specials for the next couple of weeks on their website so you can check if they've got bareroot roses in before going there. Aldi probably do the same. Wilkinson is also worth a try for bareroot plants.
9 Sep, 2009
I agree with both but would like to add that a lot of small cheap shops have poped up and they can be even cheaper for the same plants.
9 Sep, 2009
how about wilkinsons they have good quality and price plants
9 Sep, 2009
just make sure the shop bought ones arent starting into growth, the stems are thick rather than soggy or have the bark wrinkling, and make sure the roots are decent and healthy and not flat and dried out.
9 Sep, 2009
Oh I forgot pound shop! I have bought many there too, and they are good quality, if you get there before too many people have been through them. They have not failed me yet!.
10 Sep, 2009
Aldi and Lidl, if you have one near you. They are usually priced at £1.29 to £1.99, they usually start having them from end of September to November. I have bought many from them and every year. Aldi has the most choices.
9 Sep, 2009