does anyone know if and what you have to do to stop conifers growing high they have now been cut back to 6ft
By Learning
United Kingdom
can you stop conifers growing
On plant
leylandi ?
9 Sep, 2009
I don't think there is anything you can do to stop conifers growing. the only thing you can do is keep them trimmed to the hight you want them.They are hard work aren't they ?
9 Sep, 2009
My inherited leylandi hedge is about 15' high and 10' wide although I think it could have been a lot narrower if the previous owners had trimmed it regularly. Ours is trimmed once a year (although twice would be better but too costly). Do not trim back into brown wood as it will not regrow and it will stay brown. I've just been told by our tree surgeon that ours will inevitably slowly get a bit bigger overall as even if you always trim back to the same place, the tree itself gets bigger over time as growth is not just on the ends of the branches.
9 Sep, 2009
I'm pretty sure there used to be a growth inhibitor product on the market called "cutlass" but was withdrawn a few years ago.
Sorry this is no help whatsoever, and I could be wrong too. ;-)
9 Sep, 2009
If they really are Leylandii, I can only suggest you remove them as soon as possible and replant with something more well behaved - there are plenty of other options, including conifers.
9 Sep, 2009
right'''leylandi can be grown as a headgin plant ' neglect will see them grow into a forest tree 'because all plants will chase the light,the tree becomes all top , cut them to the hight you want and keep them at about that hight and the bottom will thicken forming a verry good fence once the bottom new branches have grown. not much of a problem if you cair for them as you do with other plants.
9 Sep, 2009
We (stupidly) planted a leylandii hedge at our last house, which my husband kept well trimmed. The new owners have just let the hedge grow now, and I feel so guilty when I bump into my old next door neighbours. I for one would definitely never plant it again.
9 Sep, 2009
I do agree with Cliffo that if you are prepared to look after them then they will make a very effective hedge but having said that, I would not have another. As Bamboo says, there are plenty of alternatives which are easier to maintain.
9 Sep, 2009
I think the one I have in the front garden is a Lleylandii (sorry bad spelling) its a bloomin pain, recently lopped the top off as it lookedstraggely, right in the middle of the front lawn, what a place to put it!!
x x x
9 Sep, 2009
I think what drc726 is referring to is The Anti-social behaviour Act 2003 - section 8 (s8 ASBA2003) which is the section on high hedges. I'm not too sure what legislation came about in 2005 incurring £1000 fines!???!!!
The s8 ASBA2003 allows individuals to complain to the local authority about a problem hedge. The local authority will probably charge for this service, however they can impose an order on the offending individual to ensure the hedge is kept to under 2m. This applies to leylandii and any other evergreen hedge. The best time to cut them is now. Do not leave it any later as they will not recover properly. I personally believe they should require planning permission before they are planted, then any conditions put on the title of the house to ensure they are maintained by the owner. Many people know how to look after them, but a lot have no idea or couldn't care less. Someone was murdered by his neighbour because of a leylandii hedge!! That is why s8 ASBA 2003 was brought in.
9 Sep, 2009
Fascinating - thanks for the detail, Andrea - I knew there was some legislation in the offing, but wasn't sure quite what, following that killing.
9 Sep, 2009
On Wednesday the 1st of June 2005 The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister said: "Where it is needed, the local authority will be able to serve a remedial notice to the hedge owner to identify what they must do to sort the problem out.
"If they fail to comply with the notice, they could be fined up to £1,000."
Also individuals complaing have to pay up front to do so.
9 Sep, 2009
I like your faith, Drc, in anything the government offices say - so far as I've been able to tell, in the last few years most of what they say is not entirely accurate - they talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk. I haven't forgotten Gordon Brown saying it wasn't acceptable for chips to be put in waste bins by councils - but its happening. there's a difference in what they say as opposed to legislation that's passed.... Brown also said surveillance rights under Terrorism Act couldn't be used for other purposes - but councils are using them all the time. Sorry, Learning, have commandeered your original question!
9 Sep, 2009
not even the whole of the goverment let alone gorden brown (who you want to carrie the can) have the time to go all over the country checking the dum dums we get on councils, or the people that disregard what the goverment say because you and me have asked them to, so come on be fair,
9 Sep, 2009
I think its a shame that when we try to answer these questions from what we know and our experiences that it becomes a ' one up manship' . Its well documented about asbos/fines over hedges and I will not be drawn into discussion on the government or GB horses for courses!
9 Sep, 2009
Take your point, Cliffo, but he shouldn't make statements like that if he's not going to ensure legally that it doesn't happen, surely. I like the bloke, actually, but wish he'd think before he speaks... he's not good at thinking on his feet, poor chap.
9 Sep, 2009
Blimey... wish I hadnt gone to bed last night!!
x x x
10 Sep, 2009
It is all legal in s8 Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003. This is the Act that the Deputy Prime Ministers office was referring to in 2005. Local authority has the responsibility of imposing it, that is where it falls down. Local Authority Councils only react to their voters needs, not the Central Government ethos. Take renewable energy for example, the government are making statements and promises, but the only wind energy turbine manufacturer in the UK has just shut on the Isle of Wight with over 600 jobs being lost - not really creating 'green collar jobs' in the UK which was the promise of Mandelson (Rasputin) and his cronies...........This is a terrible blow to the IOW and the UK as a whole!!
10 Sep, 2009
I did not wish to ofend, and I am not defending gorden brown, but all to often you will hear people blaming the goverment of the day for every thing, when if we look in to things, it is probly what the newspapers have twisted it in to to sell their papers, and come on we need some one to blame, human nature,and personaly I dislike leylandi, the green that is , the golden are nice and take a long time to become a problem,but people plant the green because it is quick growing the word private springs to minde' pitty we could not all be frends just like on hear, X for tattylashes
10 Sep, 2009
10 Sep, 2009
Im not offended Cliffo I keep out of polotics as I know nothing about it.
and clearly cant spell it.
Just find it odd that when someone has an adjustment to someones comment and another thinks they are using one upmanship. Surely the response is to help more than gain status!!
x x x
10 Sep, 2009
I totally agree Mookins. I'm happy to get helpful information if I have missed something, I try not to take offense. Some legislation has a date of 2003 for example, but doesn't actually become law until much later. The Statute will show when it comes into fruition. This one happened on 20th Nov 2003 and this is the link to help the person who asked the original question. Part 8 High Hedges of the ASBA 2003;
10 Sep, 2009
moonkins,life is all politic's'and I agree and apoligise for my part in bringing it in to the the subject, but I do not understand this one up man ship, I have a certain amount of knowlage and experance which I am happy to pass on , but there are people on hear that have diferent knowlage and experance than myself and I am gratefull for their help, Cliff XXX
10 Sep, 2009
there is no up manship
this whole site is based on sharing and helping
well said Cliffo
x xx
10 Sep, 2009
Cheers, Cliffo - and I take your point Andrea re the Councils falling down, despite the legislation. Gotta point the gun at the right person, I guess! particularly love the Rasputin ref;-)))
10 Sep, 2009
So we are all frends ,thers lovely, how do you know I'm welsh' as Mookins says kisses all round.
10 Sep, 2009
Hello learning, What most of us refer to as Leylandii is in fact a forest tree which grows between 3-5 feet per year. New laws came in in 2005 to control them as hedges £1000 finds!
Trimming them twice year is really the only way (can be costly when large) as they tend to respond badly to drastic treatment. Leylandii hedges can be kept to 12 -15 feet but they tend to get wide with time.
Very demanding in a garden difficult to grow much near them because of shade, water, nuetrients robbing etc . Are you sure you have sensible conifers for the area might it be better to remove them ? Could you post a picture on this site and an idea of the area for better advice?
9 Sep, 2009