magnolia tree
By 447928
United Kingdom
my daughter is moving house in october could i transplant her magnolia tree in my garden or would it die off
10 Sep, 2009
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it mite be worth cutting the magnolia back so the plant has to send more energy to the roots as it has less foliage to keep alive.
10 Sep, 2009
The big question to you is ... how large a specimen are you talking? The younger the better your chances with transplant.
10 Sep, 2009
Also, if she has not specifically excluded the tree from the sale then it belongs to the house and removing it may be construed as theft.
10 Sep, 2009
Owdboggy has a point.
10 Sep, 2009
Magnolias really hate root disturbance at any time. The best chance of a successful move is in spring when any root damage can be made good fairly quickly but you're still going to be lucky to move it successfully
10 Sep, 2009
thats worth knowing some plants dont even like being moved in a fern nearly died but came back and i only moved the pot but like i say its very unnatural for that to be possible in the wild
10 Sep, 2009
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as long as you weight till late october and make sure you get as much undisturbed soil carefully left on the can rap it in hesian that will eventualy rot of.water it in very mite lose see thats one of the most unusual things that can happen to a plant that us humans invented so the less it knows its bean moved the better.
10 Sep, 2009