Are These Plants Harmful
By Bluegalpin
Somerset UK,
United Kingdom
I have three plants growing in the garden, one is in the greenhouse and nearly touching the glass on the roof, the two are outside smaller, they have black round pods growing from the purple trumpet like flowers, the leaves are spiky. As I have many children runnig around, I a getting worried.

13 Sep, 2009
I think it's a plant that my friend calls chouxflower or shoeflower. Don't know whether poisonous though.
13 Sep, 2009
Take a look at this section of the RHS website gives a very clear listing of toxic plants.
13 Sep, 2009
It's Nicandra physaloides, as Pennyfarthing says (nearly) its common name is shoo fly.
13 Sep, 2009
Thank you Wagger for this information, it does not look harmful which is a weight off my mind.
13 Sep, 2009
No idea what the plant is but tell your children never to pick or eat anything in the garden - there are far more toxic plants than most people realise.
13 Sep, 2009