What is this??
By Motinot
I have a Cautleya spicata that i bought at a local plant sale about 2 months ago...I potted in on and its doing well....Could you please tell me what this is growing at the base of the plant?...Is it a weed?

15 Sep, 2009
what should i do with it cammomile?...
15 Sep, 2009
Get rid of it - you don't want it competing with your plant for nutrients, etc.
15 Sep, 2009
ok thanks Bamboo
15 Sep, 2009
In general if you have planted something in a container and other things start to grow as well you can assume they are weeds and remove. Even if they are not weeds as Bamboo says they will compete for the moisture, nutrients etc. which is generally not a good idea.
15 Sep, 2009
Ok thanks Moon Grower...
15 Sep, 2009
You're welcome - this is where we all learn :-)
15 Sep, 2009
This plant is called Sheeps Sorrel and it is a real pain to remove because of it's creeping rhizomes!
I can also see a couple of Bittercress seedlings in there too.
17 Sep, 2009
Googled 'sheeps sorrel' and you are so right Fractal....I have carefully removed all that i can see...I will keep an eye out for any new bits sprouting......It must have been in the pot when i bought it....I've never seen it before....Thank you very much Fractal....'you know your stuff' (as my old dad used to say)....:>)
17 Sep, 2009
Where you been Fractal - long holiday, hopefully, rather than something nastier?
18 Sep, 2009
Hi Bamboo, yes holiday and thankyou for asking. :-)
Should post some pics of my trips to various gardens including Wisley which was excellent this year. Beth Chatto's was great too.
18 Sep, 2009
Goody Fractal - look forward to seeing them!
18 Sep, 2009
Hope you've got pics of Chatto's - I've never made it there.
18 Sep, 2009
Looks like a marsh marigold type.
15 Sep, 2009