how can I get rid of ivy, its out of control its coming in the windows and nearly up to the roof?
By Rosemont
United Kingdom
I would like to get rid of my ivy its taking all the goodness out of the soil,so I cant grow any plants near to it. there is too much of it to just cut down and the runners are very thick.
17 Sep, 2009
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May I also add - we had this problem at our previous house. When you saw through the main 'trunk', take a slice out, to make certain that it can't re-grow. Warning - ours took several months before the leaves started to drop off!
We also found that it was much easier to get the ivy off the wall when it was completely dead.
17 Sep, 2009
I'd agree with you there Spritzhenry
17 Sep, 2009
I have still got this problem my ex next door neighbour just loved the stuff so now the new neighbours and me have been left to cope with it.It was coming in my air brick in the kitchen.It just chokes everything and new bits just appear from nowhere its a never ending task.
17 Sep, 2009
You've got to cut right back to the root and then treat the roots or it will just re-grow.
17 Sep, 2009
Our gable end wall was covered in ivy that was completely out of control, so we treated it as described by Moon grower. We pulled it off the wall almost immediatly during the day. That evening a whole host of sparrows came back to roost in it - were we in trouble from out feathered friends! All ended well - they made their new homes in the eaves of our neighbours house!
17 Sep, 2009
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« live 4miles from the coast (Southwold) we live in a semi sheltered spot
Hi Rosemont sorry butting cutting it down is the only solution. Cut it off as near to the ground as possible. You will then need to remove the branches taking care not to cause more damage to the wall. You can then treat the root stump with something like Deep Root Tree Stump Killer
17 Sep, 2009