had a caesalpininia geillisii for two years in a pot died off in the winter has grown to about 20" no flower should I bring inside or plant in border
By Wilson
United Kingdom
live 4miles from the coast (Southwold) we live in a semi sheltered spot
On plant
17 Sep, 2009
Although this climber is not hardy for the British climate, I know two people in the UK (one in Kent and one in Devon) who have successfully grown it outside in a protected position for several years
They are beautiful plants (I have the C pulcherrima) and are known as the Bird of Paradise plants in many countries although not related to the Strelitzia family.
17 Sep, 2009
Couldn't find this in any of my encylopaedias, but found it on Google - it seems to be hardy in Zones 8-10 in the USA, so that would equate to being slightly tender here. If you plant it in a sheltered spot where it gets full sun, and give extra protection with fleece or similar if this winter turns out to be a "proper" winter (with very low temperatures), it should survive.
17 Sep, 2009